Diploma Of Early Childhood Education and Care | Children's Services Image

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

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At Suzan Johnston Australia we are totally committed to producing the highest calibre of Childcare Educators – quality graduates that are dedicated and capable of providing the best possible standard of care for children, and who also have the potential and confidence to be future leaders and mentors to others within the industry.


The CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care will qualify you with a number of career options including:

  • Child care educator in a childcare centre
  • Child care educator in a kindergarten/pre-school
  • Centre manager/director
  • Authorised supervisor
  • Group/team coordinator/leader
  • Program leader
  • Owner – childcare centre or family day care
  • Manager – before/after school hours care program
  • Professional nanny within Australia or overseas
  • Play group supervisor
  • Agency relief staff/mobile educator
  • Educator within occasional care.


Our CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is a highly comprehensive course, designed to build your existing skills and knowledge to an advanced level.

This course consists of 15 units of competency, which are delivered through a uniquely flexible, professional and highly supportive learning environment.


  • You must hold a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care qualification (CHC30113 or CHC30121).

96% Employed within an early childhood role

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who are working within an early childhood education and care role

100% Would recommend the training organisation

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who would recommend Suzan Johnston Australia to others

98% The training met their individual needs

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who thought the training was flexible enough to meet their needs

100% The training prepared me well for work

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who thought the course prepared them well for work

Common Questions

Course Duration, Hours of Attendance & Study Mode


Study the Diploma of Early Childhood from home! Delivery modes include:

  1. Attending live, virtual classes
  2. Flexible, online delivery


OPTION 1: FORTNIGHTLY VIRTUAL CLASSES (1 Day per Fortnight) – Weekend Delivery

Duration: 11 months

Hours of Attendance: Saturdays* 9.30 am – 2.30 pm

(Student support scheduled 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm)

*The majority of classes are scheduled every second Saturday (excluding public holidays)

Virtual Classes entail:

  • Attending live, interactive and highly supportive trainer-led learning experiences
  • Classes scheduled regularly (in ‘real time’).
  • During each lesson, you’ll be able to ask questions and participate in activities.
  • After each virtual class, your trainer will be available to further support you on your learning journey and answer any questions.
  • In addition to these scheduled class times, you will also be required to complete regular homework each week (approximately 5 – 6 hours per week).


Duration: Between 9 – 18 Months

Our Self-Paced, Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is delivered via:

  • Listening to pre-recorded Zoom Classes (at a time that suits you)
  • Working through the learning and assessment activities at your own pace
  • Email and/or telephone support as required (with your allocated trainer)
  • Attending support sessions with your trainer (as required)
  • Regular workplace visits and assessments (by your allocated trainer)
  • Attending regular practical placement or paid employment (minimum 280 hours)

With the self-paced option, you control the speed in which you complete the course (it can go as slowly or quickly as you wish) and you can schedule breaks into the course schedule too. It is super flexible.


  • You will also need to complete a MINIMUM of 280 hours of practical placement (placement is usually scheduled one day per week or in regular blocks)
  • Learners who are employed as Educators within the industry can contribute any paid hours of employment towards meeting the practical placement requirements.
  • if you are not already employed as an educator, we will assist you in finding a suitable placement host; located close to your home
Fees, Government Funding & Enrolment Information

COURSE FEES IN VICTORIA – CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Self-Funded Course Fee $6,500.00 payable in instalments
Government Funded Course Fee $3,500.00 payable in instalments
Government Funded with Regional Discount

COURSE FEES IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA – CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Self-Funded Course Fee $6,500.00 payable in instalments
Government Funded Course Fee $700.00
Government Funded & Concession Course Fee


Great news for our prospective students living in Victoria or South Australia!

You may be eligible for Government Subsidised Training whilst studying the diploma of early childhood qualification with Suzan Johnston! So now you can study childcare at Suzan Johnston Australia and pay a discounted course fee!

To find out more information and to check your eligibility for Government Funded Training please select the state (below) that is relevant to you or phone us on 03 9654 0999.



If you would like to receive details on our forthcoming commencement dates, our enrolment procedures and/or if you would like clarification on your eligibility for Government Funding; please contact us and we will send the required information to you promptly. Our team is here and you are welcome to give us a call on 03 9654 0999.


Units of Study & Employment Outcomes

Our CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care course includes highly interactive and supported virtual training in a wide range of subjects (a total of 15 Units of Competency).

The content of our CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care has been carefully developed with extensive industry input, ensuring graduates are all multi-skilled, meet/exceed current industry expectations and are extremely employable within the early childhood sector.

UNITS OF COMPETENCY – CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Core Units
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
CHCECE041 Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children
CHCECE042 Foster holistic early childhood learning, development and wellbeing
CHCECE043 Nurture creativity in children
CHCECE044 Facilitate compliance in a children’s education and care service
CHCECE045 Foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children
CHCECE046 Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children
CHCECE047 Analyse information to inform children’s learning
CHCECE048 Plan and implement children’s education and care curriculum
CHCECE049 Embed environmental responsibility in service operations
CHCECE050 Work in partnership with children’s families
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
Elective Units
CHCDIV003 Manage and promote diversity
CHCMGT003 Lead the work team
CHCECE053 Respond to grievances and complaints about the service


The children’s services industry continues to experience enormous growth. For decades we have taken pride in the excellent job placement results graduates from our prestigious childcare course have achieved.

As part of your childcare course, you will be introduced to industry employers and leading employment agencies, who not only endorse our childcare courses but also actively assist our students in finding suitable employment. Additionally, the contacts that you will make during your practical placement can often lead to a permanent job, with the majority of our students gaining employment with their placement host well BEFORE the completion of their childcare studies.

During 2022 – 2023 96% of our CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care graduates were successful in securing employment in children’s services roles!


Studying the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care can be a great steppingstone towards gaining a university qualification. Once you have achieved the Diploma qualification, you may be eligible to further your studies by obtaining recognition / credit transfer into one of the following Bachelor Degrees:

  • Bachelor of Early Childhood Education
  • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)
Practical Placement & the Learning Environment


Our diploma in childcare will include extensive ‘real life’ practical placement within the children’s services industry. It is a requirement that all CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care students complete a MINIMUM of 280 hours of practical placement within a regulated child care service.

Your trainers will assist you to find a suitable placement host (close to your home) and will also be available to offer you continued support and encouragement whilst you complete this practical component. We will also visit you at your placement site to assess your practical skills and provide you with any additional support and mentoring where required.

Practical Placement is often unpaid; however, it can often open the doors to a paid position within the centre; enabling you to ‘earn as you learn’ – which is very exciting!

Note: In 2023, 87% of our early childhood course students, gained employment during their course – as a direct result of their Practical Placement experience.

If you are currently employed within a regulated child care service, you can complete your placement hours in your place of employment (whilst getting paid!).


Learn from the best!

Our virtual childcare classes are delivered within a relaxed, supportive and highly interactive learning environment. Suzan Johnston trainers are dedicated to teaching and have extensive industry skills and experience.

Our small class sizes ensure that our trainers can work closely with you to personalise your learning experience, providing you with the help and support you require every step of the way.

People with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 

Our Accreditation & More Information


The Suzan Johnston Organization (Aust.) is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO Number 170).

Suzan Johnston Australia is accredited with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). ASQA is the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector. ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.

Suzan Johnston Australia is approved to deliver the following Nationally Recognised Early Childhood Qualifications under the Australian Qualifications Framework:

  • CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
  • CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

All registered training providers (RTOs) across Australia will automatically recognise the above childcare qualifications issued by Suzan Johnston Australia through the process of national recognition.


Suzan Johnston Australia’s most recent registration audit was conducted by the VRQA (Victorian Registration Qualifications Authority) in December 2021.

Click Here for a copy of the latest audit report.

RTOs are required to collect and use data on quality indicators, which have been endorsed by the National Quality Council (NQC). The findings for 2023 for Suzan Johnston Australia are outlined in the report below:

Click Here for a copy of the Registering Body Report (2023 Learner Engagement & Employer Satisfaction)


Suzan Johnston Australia has a range of policies and procedures in place to ensure that people from a wide range of backgrounds have an opportunity to study with us. We provide opportunities for everyone to access and participate in learning and to achieve learning outcomes in a safe and positive learning environment. Policies and procedures not only outline the rights and responsibilities of students but also Suzan Johnston Australia’s responsibilities to students.

All our policies and procedures are detailed in our comprehensive Student Handbook.

VICTORIAN STUDENT HANDBOOK – CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN STUDENT HANDBOOK – CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care


Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible for Government Funded Training?

To be eligible for a Government Funded Child Care Course you must:

  1. Be either an Australian, New Zealand Citizen or a Permanent Resident
  2. Live in Victoria OR South Australia

Note: In Victoria, Skills First Government-Funded places are extremely limited, so we recommend enrolling ASAP.

Contact one of our consultants to see if you qualify for Government Funded Training.

How do Virtual Classes compare to other online childcare courses?

Unlike traditional ‘online childcare courses’, virtual training is similar to what you would experience in a face-to-face classroom.

Our virtual classes are scheduled regularly (either weekly or fortnightly) ensuring that you remain engaged, and your learning remains ‘on-track’. During each live lesson you’ll be able to hear and see your trainer delivering the content to you and your classmates, and you’ll be able to ask questions and participate in activities etc. After each virtual/online class, your trainer will be available for the afternoon to offer support with your studies and answer any questions you may have.

It is our belief that the best learning outcomes for all Diploma of Early Childhood Education learners can only be achieved when training/assessment is conducted within a structured, supportive and interactive learning environment. This type of learning cannot be achieved by studying via traditional online methods where interaction with trainers is often limited and irregular.

How does the Online Diploma in Childcare work?

The Online Diploma in Early Childhood is delivered via four key components:

  • Watch pre-recorded Zoom classes (self-paced – at a time to suit you)
  • Join support sessions with your Trainer (as required)
  • Work through the various learning and assessment activities (self-paced – at a time to suit you)
  • Participate in a minimum of 280 hours of Practical Placement (or paid employment) within a Regulated Childcare Service.

Do I need any additional equipment to study the Diploma in childcare online?

Importantly, you won’t need any additional equipment other than your home computer/laptop and of course access to the internet (earphones are optional).

Do I need to complete the Certificate III in Early Childhood before I enrol in the Diploma of Early Childhood?

Yes, the CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care is now a prerequisite of the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.

Will I need to buy textbooks during my diploma of childcare course?

In addition to the childcare course fees, you will also be required to purchase online textbooks/resources (one for each unit of competency – $11.00 each). These resources will be made available to you as you complete your early childhood studies. Please contact us for more details.

Will I need to arrange my own Practical Placement during my diploma in childcare course?

Practical Placement is an important and mandatory component of all childcare courses. Accordingly, we will assist you in finding and co-ordinating your practical placement. Over the past 30 years Suzan Johnston Australia has forged strong relationships within the children’s services industry and we have a network of childcare centres who regularly (and very happily) host our students’ practical placements.

Learners who are already employed as educators within the industry can contribute any paid hours of employment towards meeting the practical placement requirements of their diploma of childcare.

Can I gain employment whilst I’m completing the Diploma of Early Childhood Course?

Our reputation and our success in producing quality and well-trained diploma educators is second to none. As a result, the majority of our childcare students are able to gain ongoing part-time or casual employment as a result of their practical placement (whilst they are still completing their studies). Any paid hours of employment can be contributed towards meeting the practical placement requirements of the childcare diploma.

Does the diploma of childcare course include exams?

Our childcare courses do not include any scary or stressful exams. Assessments generally involve completing a range of relevant and interesting exercises/activities. You will also be observed and assessed performing your duties within the workplace (during your practical placement).

Do you offer on-site training in the workplace for educators who wish to undertake or upgrade to the diploma in childcare?

Yes! For educators who have current and ongoing employment (full-time or part-time) at a centre and who want to either gain a qualification or further their studies, we can come to you! This flexible training option can be either delivered face-to-face at your centre (at a time that suits you) or you can also enrol in our online/virtual classes. For educators with previous qualifications and experience, your course will be fully customised to reflect your previous studies and/or industry experience (with credit transfer and/or RPL available to eligible learners).

What are the career opportunities for students who graduate with a Suzan Johnston diploma in childcare?

Based on our industry feedback, it is anticipated that the childcare industry will continue to experience enormous and unprecedented growth and expansion in 2025 and beyond. Accordingly, industry demand for quality educators (who hold a Diploma of Early Childhood qualification) will continue to exceed supply.

Our CH50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care has been designed to empower learners with the highest calibre of skills and knowledge. With our highly respected qualification, our diploma graduates can gain employment in a wide variety of roles including Childcare Educator (within either a childcare centre or kindergarten) through to roles as a Centre Manager/Director/Owner.

How much homework is involved in the virtual delivery of the child care course?

With our CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, your attendance of scheduled classes is important as every lesson is packed full with important information, dynamic discussions, hands-on practical exercises, role-plays, games and activities. In addition to the scheduled training sessions, this childcare course requires you to spend between 5 – 6 hours per week on assigned homework tasks.

Am I eligible to enrol in a government funded childcare course?

Our CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care are approved for government funding, so if you are eligible, you may only have to pay a small portion of the course fee (whilst the government subsidises the rest).
To find out if you are eligible for a government subsidised childcare course, speak to one of our course consultants. They will be able clarify this with you over the phone – it will only take a minute!

Are there any Entry Requirements for the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care?

Prior to your enrolment in our Diploma childcare course, you will be required to attend a pre-training interview and complete a language, literacy and numeracy assessment. These entry requirements are designed to assist us in determining your suitability for the course and to assist with the planning of any learning support requirements.

You must also hold a CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care qualification (or CHC30113).

What study pathways are available to me after I finish the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care?

Should you decide to further your studies after completing the Diploma of Early Childhood, you may transition to a higher-level childcare qualification with credits into a Bachelor’s degree at university.

How do I enrol in the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care?

If you would like to proceed with your enrolment in our CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, please contact us on 9654 0999 so the relevant Online Enrolment Package can be forwarded to you.

Why are the Suzan Johnston childcare courses different to any another RTO or TAFE courses?

  • Suzan Johnston Australia is one of Australia’s most trusted and respected training institutions (established since 1959) and have been delivering the accredited childcare training since 1994
  • Our childcare trainers are exceptional and inspirational professionals, who deliver every training session with passion and dedication
  • Our live, virtual classes are uniquely friendly, interactive and personalised
  • Our student’s individual training needs are respected and valued
  • Suzan Johnston Australia has the reputation of delivering childcare courses that are of the highest quality
  • Graduates from our exclusive children’s services courses are multi-skilled and have a wide range of employment opportunities
  • Our diploma of childcare graduates are known to be quality professionals who are respected within the industry and actively sought after by employers Australia wide
  • The Suzan Johnston Training Organization is committed to producing childcare educators who are truly dedicated and capable of providing the best possible standard of care for children
  • During 2022 – 2023 96% of our Diploma in Early Childhood course graduates are successful in finding employment within 3 – 4 weeks of course completion!

Enquire Now!

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Last Name*
Date of Birth
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* Required Fields

Address: Level 22, 120 Spencer Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia